Converting people is really hard. It's much easier to allow the already converted to do what they came to your website to do.
Let’s say you’re running the website for a local church. What should your core focus be? Should it be to get new converts for your church or to help those who are already converted?
Converting people from one religion to another is really hard. In fact, the whole idea of conversion has an archaic, almost medieval feel to it. What a good church website will probably do is have opening times, times for the next services, contact details. Basic functional stuff that meets the needs of the already converted members. Interestingly, while meeting the needs of members it also meets needs of non-members who might like to visit the church and see what a sermon is like.
As libraries create their future with new programs and services, spaces and collections, we may be well served to keep this idea in mind. We should keep an eye on making it easy and enjoyable for our existing members to use the library and ensure that we do not alienate our biggest fans.
Read the whole article, From conversions to task completions by Gerry McGovern